
2024 Congping Global Developers Conference (CPDC) Champion Interview

From June 21 to 22, 2024, at the CPDC 2024 Global Developer Conference held in Shenzhen, developers from all over the world gathered to showcase their innovation and strength in cutting-edge technologies. Among them, Paolo, a developer from Italy, won the championship of the programming competition with his excellent programming skills and unique creativity.

To explore the story behind Paolo's success, we interviewed him. In this interview, Paolo shared with us his preparation for the CPDC 2024 programming competition and his feelings about using emerging development tools such as the CPComm library. Paolo also shared his impressions of China and revealed his plans to visit China again in the future.

The following is a record of the interview with Paolo:


Paolo: Hello everyone! My name is Paolo, a 30-year-old Italian who is passionate about electronic devices and technological things. Fortunately, I can give full play to this passion in the work environment. I work at OMSI Software & Controls, and we work with controllers and displays, providing solutions for everything from beet harvesters to military machinery, so there is never a dull moment at work.

As an employee of an international company, I often have to plan business trips, visit clients, and attend trade shows. This is definitely a good thing, because you get to meet new people and get in touch with different cultures and languages.

When I am not on a business trip or working, I like to use my free time to enjoy the outdoors and help my father make wine. Depending on the season, outdoor activities mainly include rock climbing and surfing. I also love cats, and I have always had cats at home, and I enjoy spending time with them.


CPDC Champion Interview

Q1. What preparations did you make in preparation for the CPDC 2024 Programming Contest?

A. Actually, I didn't do much preparation, because I am used to maintaining a template application and use it every time I start a new project. So, all I did was clean it up and update the template with the latest libraries and features to save time during the competition.

Pre-match communication (Paolo is on the left)


Q2. Did you refer to the relevant information on the CPDEVICE website before the competition? Did this information help you develop your programming strategies and ideas?

A. Yes, a few days before leaving for China, I visited the CPDEVICE website looking for some datasheets. I noticed a large banner ad at the top of the page. Out of curiosity, I clicked on it and read some information about the competition. From my experience, customers mainly need CPDevice vehicle tablets to perform two tasks: interact with the machine and inspect the environment. The interaction is usually done via the CAN bus, while the inspection can use sensors and cameras. Therefore, after reading the competition description, I expected that the programming task might involve CAN information exchange, perhaps with image processing or some signal detection from an analog camera.


Q3. Can you briefly describe your programming ideas and key steps in the competition? How did these ideas help you win in the end?

A. Of course, I am very familiar with CPDevice products. I develop software for Apollo and Spring tablets every day, so I am very familiar with using the CPComm library and the tablet's functions. In addition, I have experience with the CAN bus protocol and related standards, so I was able to apply this knowledge to complete the given task. Perhaps it will even teach me something useful in future Android programming.

Paolo shares his experience at the conference


Q4. In the competition, you used the CPComm tool. How was your experience using the tool? Has it helped you improve your efficiency and enabled you to focus more on programming?

A. I have been interacting with CPDevice products for nearly 4 years. In the beginning, there was no universal library like CPCom, so I had to develop similar solutions myself to optimize the development process for different devices. Now, with the advent of CPCom, I don't need to add any middle layer and can use it directly to set up functions that work for all different models. I am really happy that CPDevice has made great efforts in this regard, which is really helpful, especially for "new" developers who are first exposed to the CPDevice environment.

Paolo during the game


Q5. What impression did China leave on you during this event? Do you have plans to visit China again?

A. I like China very much! Of course I want to go again. Chinese culture is very different from my culture and I want to understand it more deeply.


Q6. If you have the opportunity to come to China again in the future, which places would you most like to visit? Are there any special destinations that you haven't had time to go to yet, but really want to go?

A. At present, I don't have any special places I want to go. Maybe going to the capital and the Great Wall is a must, but I think every place has its own beauty, so any place is good.


Through this interview, we have gained an in-depth understanding of Paolo's success in the CPDC 2024 programming competition, especially his experience in using the CPComm library in the competition.

2024 CPDC winners take a group photo (Paolo is the second from the left)

The experience shared by Paolo not only shows his unique insights into programming, but also highlights the great potential of the CPComm library in simplifying the development process and improving work efficiency. This tool has become a key factor in his standing out from the fierce competition.

Paolo introduced the application of Congping products in beet harvesters and mine-clearing armored machines at the conference.

The CPDC Global Developer Conference provides a platform for developers from all over the world to showcase and communicate, and also allows more people to recognize the important role of the CPComm library in promoting technological progress. In the future, we look forward to seeing more developers use this tool to create more innovative and practical solutions.


Congping Technology was officially established on January 29, 2018, with the intelligent transformation of agricultural, engineering and logistics machinery as its development direction. Congping Technology provides professional software and hardware solutions for machinery intelligence by serving thousands of industry customers, and strives to achieve the comprehensive intelligent evolution of machines.

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